We use human centred design to take people beyond the predictable.

“This team is absolutely in your corner, and wants you to be successful as a person - for work, for your community and your people.”

Matt Iorangi, Group Manager (Capability), Northpower

Leadership Coaching

With a commitment to discover first and solve second - we work to deeply understand the unique context that individuals, teams and organisations are operating from within, and co-design interventions that address what’s really standing between them and the future they want to create.

We help deliver interventions through coaching, leadership development, strategy development, advisory and transformation programmes.

Being In Your Corner means that we are 100% committed to your success in the long term. We want to see you, your team and your organisation thrive.

Our approach

  • Human Centred Design


    We help people discover, uncover and identify what’s standing between them and the future they aspire to.

    We don’t presume that we know (or that an organisation knows) the answers. It’s through discovery that we understand the unique context of an individual, team or organisation in order to design something that fits.

    Discovery is a mindset. We encourage people to constantly confront their predictable future.

  • Human Centred Design


    For teams and organisations to go beyond the predictable - they must take a stand for the future they want to create (and commit to it even when they don’t know how to get there).

    We work with our clients to confront the gap between their predictable future, and the future they stand for, by co-designing what we call ‘interventions’.

    Interventions are future-oriented and deliberate shifts made to keep people true to what they stand for.

  • Human Centred Design


    We support individuals, teams and organisations to deliver interventions and realise a fundamental shift in their way of operating.

    Leaders are challenged with ensuring they intervene in service of the future - and not the past.

    Interventions are delivered through individual coaching, leadership development, strategy development, advisory or transformation programmes.

  • Human Centred Design


    We enable clients to confront and be responsible for the future that goes beyond what’s predictable. We don’t compensate for existing gaps, we enhance their ownership of the gaps.

    That’s why when we leave organisations, we leave them with the capability and commitment required to continue to confront the gaps and take responsibility for the future they’ve set out to achieve.

“It’s an intense way of working - but it’s been a year since we finished with IYC and we are still seeing a higher level of trust between our people and we're much more connected."

- Dean Roulston, Sport Canterbury

Strategy Execution