Taking you beyond your predictable…

Most individuals and organisations drift from one circumstance to the next, spending most of their time and energy responding.

We stand to unleash the potential of leaders to generate extraordinary futures regardless of the circumstances they face, and we do this by...

Intervening in predictable performance

We design and deliver interventions that address fundamental gaps in an organisations performance and strategy execution.

Building capabilities that last a lifetime

Through tailored coaching and development programmes, we leave people with capabilities that will last them a lifetime.

Being In Your Corner

No one achieves anything extraordinary without a team of people in their corner. We will be with you, standing for your success no matter how hard it may get.

“These are high impact business leaders in their own right, not consultants or theorists - their strength is in their specific coaching approach, delivered within the flow of actual work. This is not sheep dip leadership development. This is personal and tailored stuff – tailored to the individual, tailored to the team, and tailored to the business.”

- Andrew McLeod, Northpower CEO

Leadership development

Are you taking a stand for your future?

Even with aspirational goals, strategies and targets - individuals, teams and organisations can walk into a ‘predictable’ future (i.e. what was going to happen anyway) when unexpected challenges or circumstances arise.

At In Your Corner, we help people take a stand for the future they want to create. Through an approach to discover first and solve second, we confront what is really getting in the way and help generate an unwavering commitment to the future - no matter what.

The shifts we help people make

  • Individual Coaching


    Through individual coaching, we help people unlock what is getting in the way of making the impact they want to make. We help them generate (instead of wait for circumstance), lead with integrity and transform their relationships for the better.

  • Team development


    We work with teams to confront their predictable future so that they can reach their aspirations. We have helped teams shift from having low-trust and lack of responsibility to being compelled by outcomes, taking collective leadership, highly motivated by strategy and with deep, vulnerability-based trust.

  • Strategy development and execution


    From working with leadership, to full teams, we help organisations fundamentally shift their way of being. Organisations we work with are future-oriented even in the face of change, have a high level of clarity on strategy across teams, and are committed to going beyond what’s predictable.

  • "Our leadership team are now really commited to who we are, rather than just what we do."

    IYC Client

  • “The impact that Jono’s coaching has had on me has been profound - in terms of my ability to lead as a senior leader, executive leader and hopefully CE in the future. Without Jono I don’t think I’d be where I am now.”

    Nick Flack, Christchurch International Airport

  • "The way IYC conduct themselves feels targeted to what the organisation needs, rather than an off the shelf prescription."

    IYC Client

  • "Where consultants might leave you with theory, this team leaves you with something that actually does sustain inside the business."

    Andrew McLeod, Northpower CEO

  • “IYC has helped us make a big shift - in the way our leaders now understand the changes they need to make in themselves before expecting others to do so.”

    IYC Client

We work with

Christchurch Airport
EA Networks
Calder Stewart
Switched On Group