Marc Pringle

Breakthrough Design

After 18 years of experience  within the infrastructure and agribusiness sectors, including eight years as an executive level leader, Marc confronted the fact that continuing to climb the traditional corporate ladder was no longer the best pathway for him to fulfil on what is important to him.

So in 2021 Marc co-founded In Your Corner – an organisation designed from a personal stand to:

  1. unleash the potential of leaders who aspire to leave a lasting legacy in the organisations and communities they work within, and,

  2. to do this in a way that fundamentally challenges the traditional way consultants and advisors support organisations.

Marc’s deep experience and passion for using human centred design thinking enables leaders and teams to unearth gaps, design interventions that will actually address those gaps, and do this in a way where people are left with the capability to intervene successfully when faced with any performance challenge – in any aspect of their life.

Marc has an extraordinary ability to help people confront what normally gets left unsaid - shifting the way people see themselves and their relationships. 

His role at IYC is threefold:

  1. Lead designer

  2. Facilitator of leadership development initiatives

  3. Senior leadership and team coach

Marc holds a First Class Honours Degree in Business Management, certifications in Lean and Project Management, and has completed a number of residential leadership development programmes across Australasia, including JMW’s Leader of the Future Programme.